WatchGuideJul 09, 2017The Pilgrim's JourneySpeaker: Rev. Bruce Van BlairKeywords: following jesus; pilgrimage
WatchGuideJul 02, 2017what joy what joySpeaker: Harry KippKeywords: joy; paul's letter to the philippians
WatchGuideJun 25, 2017Why I Choose The ChurchSpeaker: Rev. Bruce Van BlairKeywords: the ecclesia; disciple bands
WatchGuideJun 18, 2017Blessed Are The PoorSpeaker: Rev. Bruce Van BlairKeywords: jesus; helping others; the kingdom
WatchGuideMay 28, 2017Be It Known to you, O KingSpeaker: Rev. Bruce Van BlairKeywords: dedication to god; book of daniel; old testament history
WatchGuideMay 07, 2017The Purpose Beneath The SurfaceSpeaker: Jonathan GambleKeywords: jesus; inside vs. outside
WatchGuideApr 23, 2017The Lost SheepSpeaker: Rev. Bruce Van BlairKeywords: parables of lost sheep and elder brothers
WatchGuideApr 16, 2017Halfway Between Life And DeathSpeaker: Rev. Bruce Van BlairKeywords: guidelines for the resurrection; truth vs. facts
GuideApr 16, 2017The Third GardenSpeaker: Jonathan GambleKeywords: easter sunrise; the garden of resurrection