WatchGuideMar 25, 2016What Do We Understand About The Cross?Speaker: Rev. Bruce Van BlairKeywords: good friday, the meaning of the cross
WatchGuideMar 24, 2016An Opportune TimeSpeaker: Rev. Bruce Van BlairKeywords: the last supper; the garden of gethsemane
WatchGuideMar 13, 2016Have You Any Foreign Wives?Speaker: Rev. Bruce Van BlairKeywords: old covenant vs new covenant
WatchGuideMar 06, 2016A Morsel and A SipSpeaker: Rev. Bruce Van BlairKeywords: communion, jesus, altar sacifice
WatchGuideFeb 28, 2016Euclid & JesusSpeaker: Rev. Bruce Van BlairKeywords: unity with jesus, unity with each other
WatchGuideFeb 21, 2016Does God Care About Brotherly Love?Speaker: Rev. Bruce Van BlairKeywords: brotherly love, isaac and ishmael
WatchGuideFeb 14, 2016The True RenewalSpeaker: Rev. Bruce Van BlairKeywords: spiritual renewal, parale of new wine in old wineskins
WatchGuideFeb 07, 2016What We Do For OthersSpeaker: Rev. Bruce Van BlairKeywords: parable of the sheep and goats; doing good
WatchGuideJan 24, 2016New, Renewed, and RenewingSpeaker: Rev. Bruce Van BlairKeywords: faith, renewal